Here on Cresta Stores UK we have lot of consideration for your baby safety. We collaborate with few of the most serious factories and designers for safety.

Few weeks ago we open a new department for baby safety with great success. If you are really concerned about your baby safety please visit our department. If have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us for details.

Did you know?
A wrist link (sometimes called a wrist strap or wrist rein), is a simple length of webbing with loops at each end. One loop is worn on the child’s wrist, and the other is held by the parent or carer. Usually, the loops are adjustable for size, and the strap often features an elastic section to prevent injury by absorbing shock from any sudden movements. Some wrist links use a strong coiled plastic line instead of webbing. Similar to harnesses, wrist links are normally used for children between one and four years of age, however they are sometimes used with older children who have outgrown a harness